Journal » bathing rituals
Spring New Moon Bath Ritual | I am connected to my deepest wisdom.
Fall Full Moon Bath Ritual | I celebrate my journey.
The fall Full Moon invites us to celebrate our seeds of intention having come to fruition, as we reap the harvest of our endeavors. We take this time to recognize that where we are, here and now, is a result of choices and commitments we made along the way. As you indulge in the fruits of your labor, you are invited to celebrate your journey—with all its joys and challenges.
Summer Full Moon Bath Ritual | I am surrounded by beauty.
On the summer Full Moon, we’re invited to gaze out across the landscape of our lives, in awe of the beauty that surrounds us. The artistry of the natural world is truly astonishing when we pause and appreciate its bountiful gifts.
Take a moment to inhale a deep breath filled with admiration for the truly exquisite details of your life and soak in the radiant, feminine essence of the full moon.
Summer New Moon Bath Ritual | I am grounded in my vision.
Take reprieve from the heat and intensity of the most active season of the year. This New Moon offers us the opportunity to ground the joyful, exciting energy of summer, channeling it to serve our creativity.
What in the cosmos are doshas?
Narrow your eyes to read the fine print on one of our Botanical Bath Tea Lunar Blends, and you may encounter a few unfamiliar terms. Vata? Pitta? Kapha? What are these strange little mouthfuls and why do they matter in your life?
Honor the Lunar Cycle with Moon Bathing
Ritual moon bathing is the act of setting an intention, and then immersing oneself in warm, healing water in alignment with the lunar cycle. When bathing intentions are aligned with the energies of current phase of the moon, the macrocosmic and the microcosmic patterns harmonize, and the benefits to our life and wellbeing are amplified.
Bathing as a Ritual for Radical Self Love
Bathing is my time to check in with myself, starting with my body — often the greatest obstacle — at a time when the warmth of the water washing over my skin feels so undeniably good that there is simply no space for insecurity. Suddenly, there is only the Knowing that this is exactly the temple I am meant to reside in — that in this moment I am exactly who I am meant to be.